Friday, September 30, 2011


I once read in the news that a Bollywood filmmaker has issued a wild challenge to horror movie fans: a $10,000 reward for anyone who can watch his latest supernatural thriller, alone, in a cinema until the closing credits. The director said the film fan who stepped up to the challenge will be wired up to a heart monitoring machine as well as a camera that ensures they keep their eyes open during the whole movie. Readings from the machines will be shown live on a screen outside the cinema, he said, and if the contestant succeeds, staying under a certain heart rate, they will win 500,000 rupees (approximately $10,850)! His claim…. "there is no way one can experience this, and NOT be affected".

I want to see that movie! Have you ever experienced something like a movie or concert and thought "anyone that saw that HAS to be changed. The 1st time I saw Pearl jam I felt that way! I often approach a big show with this expectation.

But strangely enough, rarely do I approach the inspired word of god like this. Far too often we are scared to share the good news with the world around us. We have come up with a stable of possible excuses to use. We are afraid of being rejected. But the truth of the matter is this: the world WANTS the truth! As I grow older, and more comfortable with sharing my faith and sharing God's word with folks, I am learning how wrong my youthful excuses were. I can say this assuredly; very VERY rarely does anyone reject you when you give them God's word. They want life and they want hope. Believe me, I have found this to be so true!

Stronger than any slasher flick or rockin' gig, God's word changes people. It is so powerful, because the letters you read are more than words! They are alive, and full of power! We are told in Hebrews 4:12 that "the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart." When you truly experience this power, we have no choice but to react! The Word of God is powerful to resist temptation, to forgive, to lead, to comfort, to confront, to exhort, and to fill your life with every blessing. The Word answers life's important problems. The Word is alive!

Never fall into the trap that God's word cannot change things. Never be confused that is a a nice book of fairy tales. God's word moves this world! It shakes mountains! And I dare you to truly experience it and not react. Just like the movie director above, I challenge you to sit with it and NOT react. But this reward works differently. Your prize comes not for sitting still. Your prize comes WHEN you react. Your blessings come after you cannot sit still anymore! So get into God's word! Let it change you….and see who the winner is……….

Friday, September 23, 2011

Man...they are sure cute!!!

So, I am trying to get back in the regular habit of blogging...which also includes pictures of my lovely 3 kiddos. Check these out.



Yeah...I love 'em!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Soul Worms

I ‘m always learning. God is constantly teaching me. Many times, it’s from the mouth of my children. More often than not, it comes from my 6 yr old daughter Merrick. Have you noticed the web worm epidemic in the Valley? They are everywhere. These caterpillars nest in trees and then spin fine webs that take over a branch, and if left unattended, an entire tree. If left alone, they will eventually kill a tree! You can drive anywhere in the valley currently and you’ll see them everywhere! Yesterday in the car Merrick said these words: “Those webs are kinda’ tricky Daddy. Because when you look at them, they are actually quite beautiful, but REALLY, they are slowly killing everything”. I smiled, acknowledged her, and then bowed my head in the spiritual truth spoken from her tiny lips.
Isn’t that how the lies of sin work? Think about it. Sin, at it’s simplest form looks SO beautiful to us. If it didn’t, we would never struggle with it! On the surface, it looks SO lovely. It is shiny, and glamourous, and we can easily be fooled into thinking it is in fact “BEAUTIFUL”. But, if left unattended, it quickly takes over our entire lives, and before we even realize it, that which was once so beautiful has now killed us!
Satan is the father of lies. He is dying to deceive each and every one of us. But I have good news. God is TRUTH. And He wants to redeem us. The enemy came to kill, steal and destroy, but our God came to give us life abundant!!!
As I’ve researched how to deal with my worm problem, I’ve discovered that most of the time, if a tree is taken care of and ridded of these pests, it will recover. You and I are no different. We can recover too. We can turn around. We can get rid of our “infestations”, and God assures us that we can recover. But, we have to spot the problem first, and we have to get rid of it.
That is our prayer. May we all see the truth behind the lies like my daughter. May we all have the courage to get rid of it, and find the only true beauty in this world, which never deceives…the salvation of Jesus Christ.