Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Slideshow Maturity

I could not have been prouder this weekend. Friday night was one of the greatest evenings I can remember in a long time. It won’t sound like much to you guys, but it was amazing. My son had all of his family over and gave us an amazing “Mexican Slide Show” from his recent trip with his daddy to a mission work trip to San Felipe Mexico.

He has seen me give one several times now on my trip to Uganda. He is also infatuated with cameras. So while we were there, he was constantly swiping my digital camera and snapping the weirdest, most random, and often incredibly cool and artistic shots. One night he said “Dad when we get back can I give everyone a slide show like you”? I thought it was cute and agreed and simply filed it away. But in his little heart and mind, a dream was born!

This last Friday it came to fruition. We worked hard to set it all up. We made all his favorite snack foods and everyone came over at 7. I was really not sure how he would do. He can get pretty shy at times. I was not going to be surprised if he started but got too shy and/or embarrassed quickly and walked away from it. I was expecting to have to help him and even possibly finish it for him.

Boy was I WRONG! He was amazing. He stood up with full confidence and just bloomed into a preacher in front of our eyes! “Let me start with a few questions about tonight” he said first (questions meaning “clarifying purpose statements of course :). “I want to show you pictures from my trip to Mexico to build houses and our trip to Six Flags. After that we have several snacks and you can all eat whatever you want and just hang out. Then if you want Dad can show you Africa pictures”…..and with that he was off. Looking at me with the eyes of a grown boy he said, “Go Dad” and the show was off.

Jude was amazing. In fact he was nothing short of brilliant! We couldn’t believe it. My jaw was dropped. He was so well versed in the story with each picture. He was so excited and animated. "This was just a fantastic place” he would say. Or “this was me carrying trusses. They build roofs”. His Mom and I had tears just streaming down our faces. It was as if we were literally watching him grow up in front of our eyes. I wasn’t even sure whose child I was watching.

I could not have been any prouder. He was amazing. The crowd of adoring friends was blown away! He finished and thanked everyone for coming. I still cannot believe it. It was one of those precious times you wished you could save in a time capsule. I will NEVER forget it. I wish I could have taped it, but I am not sure video could have captured the feeling of such an energetic and emotionally charged air.

I wonder what more our kids are capable of that we underestimate? I am so excited about the worlds and churches they will be building. I cannot wait to see what they do to this world.

GREAT JOB Jude………I am so glad to have taken you on that trip. I will never forget it my little man. Your Dad is a babbling crying ball of pride.

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