Thursday, April 8, 2010

From the Mouth of Babes.......

I recently read an amazing story in the news about a brave young man in Chicago named Luis Reteguin, who saved his mom from a dangerous attacker. One evening, at 1 a.m., a man armed with a knife entered their home. Luis and his mother happened to be awake (why??????), while his younger sister and older brother were asleep (pbviously the smart ones). At the time, Luis thought it was his father since he usually arrived home at that hour from a graveyard shift. The intruder even opened the door to Luis's room, something his father usually did at that hour, but did not come in, most likely due to the lamp that was turned on. It wasn't until his mother began screaming that Luis realized something was wrong. Courageously, and without even thinking about it, he ran to his mother's room and saw a man attacking his mom with a knife. What fear he must have felt! Luis immediately jumped on the man and began punching him. What a kid! The man of course, began to fight back, and turned his rage on the boy . Breaking free, Luis ran to the kitchen and called the police. At this point, the attacker became scared and fled the house. Everyone was scarred, scared and quite shaken up, but this young mans courage, strength, and quick-thinking saved his mom's life!
We love stories like this. I am sure you will hear it soon on Oprah, or the made for TV version starring Chad Lowe and Rick Scroeder……But, these stories do capture our imaginatiosn and hearts. This inspirational story reminded me of a lesson I easily forget, despite learning it over and over. It reminded me just how much our kids are capable of! While it is often easy to shrug off their ideas, or their interruptions into our “adult conversations”, I have found that some of the deepest and soul stirring theological discussions I have ever been involved in often involve my kids! I am reminded that we need to remember, God uses EVERYTHING to teach us…..including our young people! KIDS TEACH US A LOT ABOUT LIFE.

I believe God gave us children to help us know Him better. They are newer to this world and are not weighed down by race, greed, materialism, politics, or other belief systems. In their innocence they are uncorrupted by the world. We on the other hand, are scarred and dirtied, and have forgotten many important things that dwell in the shadows of such purity and innocence. It is the purity of children that enables us to clearly see the blessings and wonder of the world. I was reminded of this on Tuesday as me and my kids had the best hour we’d had in weeks as we chased bubbles outside on a sunny day! We didn’t need the XBOX, or fancy toys. We needed a $.99 bottle of bubbles and happy and pure souls! Jesus understood this, chastising his friends for trying to dismiss children trying to see Him as a nuisance or a bother. It is so true that “out of the mouth of babes come gems”.

If you are not yet doing so, get plugged in to learn from the kiddos here at West Main. Volunteer in Children’ Worship. Teach a class or work the nursery. Sign up to work VBS or Camp. I can promise you that you’ll be blessed, and not only will you teach….you will learn.

1 comment:

billy joe thomas said...

jesus didn't even need .99 cent bubbles. he just needed the holy spirit and some sheep. praise god.