Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Be a Blessing

Being a Christian is not as hard as we often make it. We are simply called to love God and love other people. We are blessed and therefore we should bless! As children of God, we are called to grow close to Him daily. One way to do this obviously is prayer and Bible study. Another way is by living generous lives, and loving and blessing others around us. Love is the power of the Gospel because God is love and when we love others we fill ourselves up with Him. What a cool cycle!

As God has loved and blessed us, so should we to others! Jesus said first love the Lord God with all your heart then love your neighbor. What a joy to live this way! It's not a chore or a duty, but it's realizing God loved and forgave us, so that we might love and forgive others, and that we may bless others too. You just can't separate people and God. You cannot practice your faith from the sidelines. Your actions to people are also actions to God. Jesus said "whatever you've done for the least of these, you've done for me"(Matthew 25:40)

Recently someone at our church loved and blessed my family very much. It was a total mystery and surprise. You know who you are. You have NO clue what you did to help us, and how God used you to once again show His provision for His children. We thank you SO much. You showed God to us!

I pray we can all live lives that bless those around us. This includes EVERYONE we come into contact with. The only way that we can effectively walk in love is realizing that our life is no longer ours or led by our desires, but it's for God! My life is not my own. Bless a soul today. Love God by loving someone in this world.

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